Who We Are

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About Never Alone USA

Together we can make a difference. 

For those who have extended hospital stays, especially those representing older demographics, the mental state of the patient has a dramatic effect on their ability to heal or be stable. According to research such as this article by Better Health, having more comfort in the room, such as items from home, visitation, and someone to act as a caregiver, can have an uplifting and positive effect on a patient.

Born from personal experience, the founder of Never Alone spent many hours with a loved one in hospital care where he realized that many other patients were not receiving the same level of personal care. Having been exposed to the realities of a loved one being hospitalized for an extended period.

It became apparent that in similar situations, seniors find themselves alone. The goal of the organization is to provide a sense of peace to both the person in the care and their families by supporting them and knowing there is a steady, responsible party who is checking in on their loved one's physical, mental, and emotional health throughout this tumultuous time.


Chicago's Latest News

Image for loneliness in senior community for article

Cycling Without Age helps older adults combat social isolation

With the warm weather settling into Illinois, many people are hopping on their bicycles, enjoying the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces. But many older residents with limited mobility don’t often get the chance to cruise through their neighborhoods via pedal power — until now.
Cycling Without Age has made its way to Illinois to help older people reclaim the benefits of bicycling to improve their physical and emotional well-being.
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Loneliness article about seniors and stokes

Loneliness Can Raise Older People's Odds for Stroke

TUESDAY, June 25, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- A lonely middle and old age could bring higher odds for a stroke, new data suggests.
A 12-year study of people over 50 found that those who experienced chronic loneliness were 56% more likely to have a stroke, versus those who said they weren't lonely.
“Loneliness is increasingly considered a major public health issue. Our findings further highlight why that is,” said study lead author Yenee Soh, a research associate in social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard School of Public Health.
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Cycling with seniors image

Cycling Without Age helps older adults combat social isolation

With the warm weather settling into Illinois, many people are hopping on their bicycles, enjoying the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces. But many older residents with limited mobility don’t often get the chance to cruise through their neighborhoods via pedal power — until now.
Cycling Without Age has made its way to Illinois to help older people reclaim the benefits of bicycling to improve their physical and emotional well-being.
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What People are Saying About Us

"I've had the honor and pleasure of volunteering at several of Never Alone NFP's events. The entire organization consists of honest, caring and sincere individuals who are looking to make a positive impact."
— Chris P.
"I just wanted to say thank you to Never Alone NFP for all of your help and support. Your organization has been a blessing to my family and the community we live in."
— Angela W.
"Never Alone NFP has made a significant impact on both my family and our community. Their dedication and support have been invaluable, providing assistance and resources that have truly made a difference. We are so grateful for their commitment to helping others and enhancing the lives of those in our community. Thank you, Never Alone NFP, for your tireless efforts and compassionate service."
— Eddie R.